Limited edition lifestyle gifts and accessories for Tara Guérard's Pop Up Shoppe
Cocktails at 6 Tray$178
Oyster Salt and Pepper Cellars $18
Spotted Feather Placecards $18
Spotted Feather Menu$30
Fig and Fern Menu$30
Wadmalaw Placecards$18
Wadmalaw Menu$30
Fig and Fern Placecards $18
Entertaining Signage$12
Wooden Green Gate Food Pick $6
Wooden Green Gate Stir Stick $6
Wine Surcie Tags$30
Wooden Pelican Food Pick$6
Wooden Pelican Stir Stick$6
Wooden Wadmalaw Deer Food Picks$6
Wooden Wadmalaw Deer Stir Sticks$6
Wadmalaw Garden Notepad$15
Wadmalaw Deer Notepad$15
Linen Hemstitch Cocktail Napkins$40 for a set of 4
Surcie Tags$30